I’m Grandma Turtle. Step into my magical pop-up book world and see how “We are all Connected!”
This one-of-a-kind fully illustrated, multi-plane immersive world has surprises for everyone ages three to 103! Day turns into night, and together we’ll experience all four seasons.
We’ll play games that dispel stereotypes and promote respect. Building activities help us practice patience and resilience when things get difficult. Meet Native heroes who share the importance of stewardship by caring for our world. Find hidden clues in the scavenger hunt as we become part of the community.
Please join me in creating the FAMily Discovery Center to give future generations a fun-filled, safe learning space. Let’s build it together.
Be the Host with the Most! Sponsor an exclusive experience with friends who want to learn how they can help Grandma Turtle open the doors to the FAMily Discovery Center. This groundbreaking pop-up book inspired exhibit for families is designed and ready to build. She just needs champions who want to help. Limited access, limitless wonder. Secure your place in history! Yes! I want to host!